
A revolutionary metadata database
Altera is a powerful clip-based metadata management tool designed to streamlines wrangling so you can focus on creativity
Altera unleashes the power of metadata in your pipeline by consolidating and converting them across any existing formats, automating QC, creating detailed reports, and allowing you to organise, modify and visualise project metadata with one click.

Convert Metadata

EDL, XML, ALE, CSV, JSON, OTIO, AAF, AvidBins, CDL, AMF, CCC, FDL... it’s a jungle out there! So many metadata formats. With Altera, you can import, modify, convert and export any metadata from and to any known format in the industry. If we don’t support it, just tell us and we will implement it.

Cyrano (2021)

”Our data managers have replaced a clunky workflow that involved three different tools to edit CSVs, ALEs and CDLs and greatly simplified the process with Altera. Working with Altera has saved us time and given us peace of mind by eradicating user errors; we couldn’t have done it without Altera.”

Gastone Ferrante, Digital Workflow Supervisor


Layout / Mapping

Customise layouts to organise and conform metadata. Save them as presets for others to use.

Import / Export

Import metadata from a wide variety of formats to transform and adapt the metadata for any need.

Merge and Append

Merge and export to multiple formats in one go.

QC & Reports

QC is laborious, requiring manual error reporting. With Altera, leverage metadata for QC, easily detecting common issues like incorrect fps, colour space, or LUT application. Altera’s database lets you set QC principles for auto-flagging inconsistencies. Then, utilise its custom report tool to export QC analysis, keeping stakeholders updated.

Cruella (2021)

“Altera is integral to every production I work on. It’s automated the addition of camera extraction tags based on the recording format’s dimensions, significantly optimising the dailies process. Thanks to its automation, we’re achieving an error-free workflow”

Will Gardner, Digital Imaging Technician


Check and Compare

Verify data and easily pinpoint mismatches to fix anomalies.


Create and export reports. Easily customise layouts to suit your production needs.

Status Bar

Keep an eye on the number of entries on a bin or Smart Bin, sum a value like frames or timecode.

Metadata Hub

Content in production goes through various software and devices, often leading to metadata loss between stages. Altera stands as a perfect metadata hub for your workflow, ensuring no details are lost. Use smart bins to auto-organise metadata and a powerful database to drive automated QC. Altera can suggest auto-fills to correct missing or incorrect metadata with simple clicks.

Chimp Empire (2023)

“In our natural history projects, Chimp Empire, Altera’s Smart Bins have proved invaluable. We’re able to create over 50 unique bins to filter clips by specific animal names and behaviours. This means we can efficiently transfer only the relevant clips back to the editorial, enhancing our productivity and precision.”

Ben Morris-French, Keo Film, Assistant Producer


Pivot Table

Create custom pivot tables that update dynamically as you add or modify your bins.

Smart Bin

Filter and group metadata attributes dynamically based on user-defined rules.


Import and create custom databases that work as a reference when performing a Check and Compare.

Say hello to easy licensing: no subscription needed!

Altera now comes with a perpetual version-locked license with 1hr workflow consultation included.


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