Altera 2
A revolutionary metadata database
We introduce Altera 2, packed with new and exciting features that will take your workflow to the next level.
Altera has changed licensing method to a version-locked perpetual licence model. Extract, convert, modify, and check your content metadata, streamlining your workflow from any source to any format. With our new and exciting features, Altera 2 takes your workflow to the next level.
Clip to Bin
A metadata pull feature that allows you to extract and convert metadata directly from your camera raw files, making the process faster, easier, and more accurate. Altera automatically detects missing metadata or inconsistencies in your content and alerts you to any issues.

"Experience swift and accurate extraction of metadata directly from RAW camera files with Altera, significantly streamlining your processes. The automatic quality control feature, which detects and alerts users to any inconsistencies or missing metadata in their content, has been particularly lauded for its efficiency and reliability."

Layout / Mapping
Customise layouts to organise and conform metadata. Save them as presets for others to use.
Import / Export
Import metadata from a wide variety of formats to transform and adapt the metadata for any need.
Merge and Append
Merge and export to multiple formats in one go.
Automated workflows with droplets and watchfolders
Effortless automation, no manual intervention needed.
With Automated workflows with droplets and watchfolders Altera allows to configure and execute predefined workflows automatically, saving you time and effort.
"Effortlessly navigate through Altera's automated workflows with droplets and watchfolders. With the ability to configure and execute predefined workflows automatically, there's no need for manual intervention. This feature streamlines operations, saving time and effort, and allowing a focus on more creative and complex tasks."
Check and Compare
Verify data and easily pinpoint mismatches to fix anomalies.
Create and export reports. Easily customise layouts to suit your production needs.
Status Bar
Keep an eye on the number of entries on a bin or Smart Bin, sum a value like frames or timecode.
Bidirectional Database Connection
Direct connection to ColorFront's OnSetDailies, Pomfort's SilverStack, and DaVinci databases. Bidirectional Database Connection allows you to directly connect to popular databases and automatically pull or push new metadata, streamlining your workflow and saving time.
"Connect directly to prominent databases such as ColorFront's OnSetDailies, Pomfort's SilverStack, and DaVinci. Automate the process to pull or push new metadata, streamlining workflows and saving significant time, thereby establishing itself as a highly efficient tool for data management."
Pivot Table
Create custom pivot tables that update dynamically as you add or modify your bins.

Smart Bin
Filter and group metadata attributes dynamically based on user-defined rules.
Import and create custom databases that work as a reference when performing a Check and Compare.
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