AMF Look Builder

Your Ultimate Colour Pipeline Architect
The most comprehensive software tool for creating, modifying and visualising ACES Metadata Files (AMFs) in the Industry
If you work in film, TV, or other media, you know how important it is to get your colours right. AMF is the new and most powerful industry-standard way of storing and communicating colour pipelines and looks for your show, and AMF Look Builder is the only dedicated tool in the industry for creating and managing AMF files.

Build your AMFs with ease

With AMF Look Builder, you can import AMFs, modify them or create new ones from scratch. Build your own AMF templates and easily remove, add, or modify any colour transforms within the pipeline. AMF Look Builder allows you to build your desired look using any combination of ACES Transforms, ACS CDLs, 3D/1D LUTs and CLF.

"You can swiftly import the show’s colour look from the colourist and effortlessly adapt it to all my camera formats in a matter of seconds."


AMF Template

Build AMF templates and save them in preset to then be used in CLI automations.

1D / 3D LUT and CLF

AMF Look Builder support any common LUT formats.

Look design

Build your own look inside AMF Look Builder.

The Power Interoperability

The AMF Look Builder streamlines your production pipeline by effortlessly converting between AMF, traditional look files, and OCIO configurations in bulk. AMF Look Builder ensures a fully interoperable pipeline—even in cases where your preferred software doesn’t yet support AMF!

  • AMF <> CDL/CCC

    Extract CDLs from multiple AMFs, and save them as .cdl or .ccc collections files. Vice versa, convert CDLs to AMF pipelines using an AMF template.

  • AMF > 3D LUT

    Convert AMF files into legacy 3D LUT files, or with the “legacy pipeline mode”, split your AMF pipeline into three nodes with an Input 3D LUT, CDL and Output 3D LUT.

  • 3D LUT Look > ACES > AMF

    Transform legacy non-ACES 3D LUT files into ACES-compliant looks and save them as new AMFs.

  • AMF > OCIO

    Turn an entire project of AMF files into a single or multiple OpenColorIO 2.x configs. Use the “smart mode” to optimise the number of transforms used in the config file and keep your colour pipeline under control.


    Generate new AMF files for an entire project starting from EDL/ALE with look data: AMF Look Builder extrapolates the look information, such as CDL or 3D LUT files, and creates new AMF files from scratch.

Create Stills

Load any image format in the library and apply your AMF pipeline. Visualise your look and troubleshoot your issues by triggering its colour transforms. AMF Look Builder can bake AMF colour into any image, too, allowing you to create reference stills for your production.

"You can demonstrate to your Director of Photography how alternative show looks would appear when applied to camera test footage.”


A/B View

Split image view and compare two AMF looks or images simultaneously.

Batch processing

Create, export or render mutilple AMF files with batch processing via GUI or CLI.


AMF Look Builder supports the most common image file format.

Verify Your AMFs

AMF Look Builder provides fast verification of the AMF’s XML schema, identification of issues with its colour transforms, and a unique ACES Pipeline version validation. You can verify single or bulk AMFs (folders and subfolders), ensuring compliance with ACES standards and compatibility with other software. You can verify and correct an entire project’s worth of AMFs in seconds!

“You can ensure that each clip shot has its own AMF automatically.”


Aces Pipeline verification

Verify if the AFM XML schema is compliant and correct.

Bulk verification

Bulk verify AMF of hundreds of clips via CLI or GUI.

CLI Interface

Automate every actions using command line.

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